Tuesday 8 January 2008

Lisbon Night Out

One evening,three days before christmas hubby and i decided to go downtown to see the christmas lights in lisbon.Weather was good and not so cold,that is why we ventured around and besides hubby wanted to experiment his new toy (camera).As for me,i always carry my handy camera in my bag..

We had a good time taking pictures of anything that pleases our eyes.The municipality of lisbon has reduced the christmas lights presentation in the streets so as to saved expenses but just the same, Lisbon still beautiful at night.
Here are some photos taken on our night out..

My photos were lost when my pc crashed next day and luckily for me,i still did´nt know how to handle hubby´s camera that i was not able to download it immediately as i did with mine that evening

This building is one of the most beautiful in the area now owned by a bank and as for me, the most beautifully decorated building.

This is a picture of a century old elevator.designed by the same architect that made and designed the Eifel Tower in Paris

Lastly is a photo of a residential area which is only lighted with a commonly seen street lamps of lisbon attached to the buildings.As you can see its quiet dark..steps are made to help the people to reach their houses.

The following day Dec.23,was a stressful day for me.The computer would´nt start,hubby was the last one to use it and i dont know what happened.I was getting more nervous because its my only way of communication with my family thru messenger using video conference, especially on christmas eve in which philippines we have time difference of about 8 hours.

I checked the warranty of the computer,it was two years and it ended in dec.19.As i dont want to put it in a PC clinic,we went to the shop where we bought the equipment and the salesman asked me if i made a back up security copy of the computer and i said i did.He was kind enough to give me instruction in writting what to do, in which i followed but as hubby was always behind my back while doing the task when we went home.I made a big mistake, i recovered the programs in the computer but i lost all my documents & files.

The first thing i tried to recover is my messenger to be able to talk to my family.In between christmas preparation at home,preparing the room of my mom in law who will spend the holiday season with us,the sweets and food and other things.I finally had the computer ready before Christmas Eve in Philippines.

Dec.24 mid day here in Portugal about 8:00 PM in Manila, i was already happy speaking with my family for 3 hours ....


Amrita said...

The decorations are lovely.Glad you take your camera along.

I know how it feels when your computer crashes. I communicate with my sis and family in Canada thru video conferencing too.

So happy you got the problem fixed up before Christmas. How is your mother-in-law?

Anonymous said...

I did enjoy all the photos you have posted. And I wanted to thank you for stopping at my place and leaving a comment there. Thank you.